SuperWhite White Concrete
It’s the whitest cement available in New Zealand.
Create vibrant white spaces with confidence using the PeterFell SuperWhite concrete range. It’s the whitest cement available in the country, with a colour consistency that is far superior to any other white concrete in the market.
It’s stronger than other white cement too – you can use the same ratio mix as you would with grey concrete.
The SuperWhite range uses cement manufactured by Aalborg White, a Danish company that has a reputation for producing the best white cement in the world.
While the white darkens slightly when added to a normal concrete mix, SuperWhite still provides a vibrant white finish for the space you’re creating – indoors and out.
Depending on the look you want to create, you can go for even brighter white with SuperWhite Plus.
When using SuperWhite or SuperWhite Plus for flatwork (such as floors, patios and drives) you need to ensure the surface is properly ground or honed. That’s because the concrete finishing process can darken the surface and colour variations are possible.
Please note while white cement allows lighter and brighter colours, it adds extra cost and is not available from all concrete manufacturers.
Discuss the best options with your concrete supplier, or contact us for more information on SuperWhite white concrete.